Numerous of us will be having guests stay over the holidays, but what does that mean for your septic system? How can you keep your system performing at peak effectiveness while it deals with the redundant volume of organic matter?

These are some tips you can use

Get it emptied!
Your septic system can’t serve duly if it’s full. A septic tank should be unclogged every 12- 18 months. Having your system cleaned before a big festivity guarantees that you won’t face problems and have to rush to get a cleaning session suddenly due to the increase in workload while you’re hosting your friends and family

Get it serviced!
Precautionary measures are always better than reactive ones. On-time examinations mean that issues can be identified and repaired before they come worse.

Make your home more water-effective
Extra guests will be setting a strain on your septic system. Regular overload of your system with much water can cause it to become weakened, damaged, or blocked. By making your appliances more water-effective, you can reduce your septic tank’s workload, extending its lifetime. There are excesses of ways to save water. For example Installation of energy-effective toilets or shower heads and only using the washing machine when you have a full load can make a big distinction to the amount of water, your system needs to reuse.

Only use it as intended
To simplify, don’t flush anything down your drain that you shouldn’t.
A list of things you should not put into your septic system are;
• Fats, oils, or grease
• Disposable diapers
• Wet wipes
• Coffee grounds, egg, and nutshells
• Cigarettes
• Feminine hygiene products like Sanitary Pads
• Paper napkins & towels – These aren’t designed to dissolve in water and can block your system in the same way baby wipes do.
• Paints or chemicals – especially avoid bleach, fungicides, and detergents containing high situations of phosphates.

Cover your drainage field
Where your septic system drains can be just as important as the tank itself. A waterlogged drainage field can not allow water to escape a tank effectively. Try to evade parking or driving on your drainage field and avoid planting trees or large plants in the area as this can cause root infiltration.