Products - The Ocean Group



WPC (Wood Plastic Composite) is today a popular choice of material, thanks to its inherent characteristics of natural wood aesthetics combined with the tenacity to endure harsh outdoor conditions. This results in a lifespan unusual for natural wood, even with regular maintenance.

Ocean Lykewood has grown based on a philosophy of product innovation and the ability to offer a range of profiles that complement design development for multiple applications. We take great pride in helping you choose Ocean Lykewood as an alternative of genuine value, from the usual choices to create lasting beautiful outdoor spaces.

In comparison with conventional wood panels, WPC as a Polymer with thermoplastic nature gives the advantage of ‘Re-cycling’. Thus, we can save a lot of natural resources. It gives other natural advantages of moisture resistance and termite resistance. Thus, it is being accepted as the ‘Lifetime Investment product’. The surface of Ocean Lykewood is quite polished, even, grainless, non-porous, clean, and calibration-free. It is a ‘ready to use product’ for total carcase applications. The Ocean Lykewood door, window and frames are moisture proof, termite proof and maybe with many more features.

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